Today I am protecipating in Megan of The Write at Home Mom's blogfeat. She has asked everyone to tell what their favorite picture book is. This is to honor all those authors who go us all started reading and enjoying stories.
Today I would like to introduce my favorite picture book or rather books.
I just can't decide on just one of the series.
Alexandra Day's Carl the Rottweiler
These books are great because the artwork is extrodinary. Children of all ages will enjoy these books. There are very few words. The stories are all told by pictures. This allows your to make up your own stories, so they are constantly changing.
I use to have all the Carl books at my house for any children that came over. I also bought my sister a set for her daughters and son. They enjoyed them tremendously, and you should have heard their stories of Carl.
There are quite a few Carl book out now. Do yourself and every child you know a favor and check them out.
Oh and check out Carl's website as well you will find it at