I have had tap shoes, ballet slippers, Jazz shoes and lots of ballroom dance shoes. They are all look different and are made for that dance discipline. By the way who designed these things... the Marquis De Sade.
Who was it that decided what type of shoe you would wear for each different discipline of dance. Believe they didn't think this through thoroughly.
For example this is the type of shoe you wear for tap dancing....
Notice the closed toe sturdy heal and taps. These are made for a dance that you dance by yourself or next to your partner with your feet mostly in contact with the floor.
Image via Wikipedia
I did say mostly.
And this is a ballroom dance shoe...
This shoe is made for a dance where you face your partner... with your bodies are touching ... while you do lifts, drops and leaps across the slippery wooden floor. Oh and the bottom of the shoe is suede so you can glide easier.
Image via Wikipedia
Am I the only one to see the problem here.
I can't tell you how many times I have had to limp off the floor after my student forgot which foot he was on. Ah ... that would be mine.
What no really I'm fine ... could someone get me some ice. Oh and a towel to wipe the blood off the floor.
I think I'll go back to teaching country and western in steel toed boots.