Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day to all you Daddies...

Father's Day Cake 2009Image by Jim, the Photographer via Flickr
   I would like to wish all the Dads of the world a Happy Father's Day. I am not sure if it is celibrated around the world or on the same day, but it doesn't matter. The Fathers of the world deserve praise everyday of the year. With out you we would not be here.

   I would like to wish an extra special Happy Father's Day to all the Daddies out there, after all it takes someone special to be a Daddy.

   A Daddy is the person who raises you to be who you are, even if he isn't you biological father. He wipes your tears, teaches you to ride a bike, how to fish, and how to drive (though I will never know how he could hold his breath that long).

   It's your Daddy who chases away the monster's under your bed and out of the closet. Daddy is the one to squash the big icky bug that chased you. He is the one who makes the best hamburgers and bar-b-q.

   He is also the one who taught you right from wrong, even when it hurt him as much as you. He is the one you never wanted to disappoint. The one you want to live up to.

   Yes, just about every man can be a Father, but there are a special few who can be a Daddy.

This Picture of my Daddy was taken by my Sister.
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Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Hopefully it's celebrated around the world!

Theres just life said...

I hope so too Alex. But if it isn't let's start a grassroots effort to get celebrated.